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So, purchasing drop-dead expensive jewels and the most exquisite of fripperies with a

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Platinum credit card, generously gifted by a seedy benefactor, does not constitute an ethical dilemma? What has that extravaganza got to do with Planet Earth Institute’s alleged charitable mission as an “international NGO and charity working for the scientific independence of Africa”?

Of course, for a fashion supermodel, whose livelihood depends on showcasing an array of designer apparel and accessories, this thorny issue might have been considered as a storm in a teacup. But when it comes to a supposedly role model, such as the President of a non-banana Republic, discernment is key in avoiding any faux pas. As the Head of the State, whilst all eyes are focused on our ‘miracle nation’ on the eve of our 50th Independence Day celebrations, we expected much better of our president. Surely, she cannot expect to be a mere jet-setting figure, who spends more time abroad than locally. We are told that she had seven other foreign ‘missions’ already lined up. She cannot ignore topical issues and simultaneously aspire to be a woman of the people! She has let the country down.

The connecting bridge between her and the population has been burnt for a while now. The people have no time for a detached, decorative, ceremonial individual claiming to represent them and the whole nation. Our children are in need of genuine role models, and the prospects ahead are looking very bleak. When the role model morphs into a flashy supermodel, more suited to glamorous photo shoots in glossy magazines and in a self-gratifying book launched at our expense, time is definitely ripe to vacate the seat of the presidency. It’s time to give back its glory to our Motherland!

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