- Publicité -

RHB Virus : Rikesh Ballah rejette les allégations du Monde

Rikesh Hans Ballah, directeur de l’International PayGateway Ltd, rejette les allégations au sujet du RHB Virus portées contre lui dans le cadre d’une enquête réalisée par le quotidien français Le Monde. C’est ce qu’il fait ressortir par voie de communiqué de presse.

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« The Company is well established in the ICT sector and has operated as such over several years. The Company have serviced international clients across the globe without any issues. The Director is a person of good character, honor and enjoys a very good reputation amongst friends, relatives and the public generally both locally and abroad. He is also currently the Honorary Consul of Moldova in Mauritius. It is the contention of the Company and its Director that the article and the findings thereof are based solely on unsubstantiated, frivolous and false testimony/allegations made without an in-depth inquiry », souligne ce communiqué.

Plus loin, International PayGateway Ltd soutient qu’à « aucun moment » elle ne s’est retrouvée impliquée dans des pratiques frauduleuses et n’a fait l’objet d’aucune enquête d’Interpol. « The Company has always acted in good faith and in accordance with law and has never been nor is involved in any sort of scam whatsoever. The Company further states that it is not the subject of any inquiry by Interpol or any other authority, wishes to inform its clients, business partners and all other stakeholders that it is continuing its business operations as usual », conclut le communiqué, signé du management de la compagnie.

- Publicité -

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