L’expression de « vie intellectuelle » paraît paradoxalement assez peu appropriée pour des raisons que nous allons tenter de cerner. D’abord parce que la « vie » elle-même...
Saffiyah Edoo
Dear Aspiring Leaders,
I hope you are sitting up, observing, paying heed to what is happening and taking copious notes. By now, you must...
Who is trying to destabilize a properly elected government by having advised President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim to institute her own Commission of Inquiry? This exercise...
Yanis Varoufakis, who served as Greece’s finance minister, makes a key distinction between a ‘market’ (a place for exchange or barter) and an ‘economy’...
I remember being struck by Françoise Vergès’s comment that small insular islands such as
Mauritius suffer from a certain ‘trauma of insignificance’. It is something...