
The agenda of Boredom

We live in a beautiful country. Free? Relatively? Not really. We work for money- that we may believe to be a fair, equitable payment,...

Israel is playing a big role in India’s conflict with Pakistan

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist”...

Asking the Right Questions

GUY FAWKE A humdrum life is certainly not a characteristic of this tiny island of ours. No sooner is one story over than another one...

BASE MILITAIRE DE DIEGO GARCIA – Rester sur ses gardes

Le 25 février a été accueilli comme un jour béni pour les Chagossiens et les Mauriciens. L’annonce de la Cour internationale de Justice a...

Dette publique : comment s’y prendre ?

La délégation du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), mené récemment par Mahvash Qureshi, relève que la dette publique mauricienne a grimpé à hauteur de 64,5%...

Eski Etnisite Pli Gro Fakter Dan Eleksyon Zeneral ?

Dan enn interviu an Fevriye 2014 dan Mauritius Times Sithanen dir ki etnisite eksplik ant 65% a 70% rezilta sak eleksyon an mwayenn ek li finn...

LAW AND ORDER — What is needed is some political will!

There is no doubt that the rate of crime has taken alarming proportions over the years. Assaults, rapes, murders and larcenies have become the...

Speaking of Śiva

MAREK AHNEE KAVINIEN KARUPUDAYYAN À l’occasion de Mahāshivarātri, nous proposons aux lecteurs ces poèmes de la Bhakti shivaïte, du pays Kannada médiéval. Composées par les saints...

Alter ego – homo

NAD’N MANIKKAM Fasone depi mem later batize espes similer twa pivo boner - lalimier tant lemal an profonder finn eklo letan kalver Siblim maskot nou ‘gran beni’ defile ziska Dropadi gratifie dan...

My Rose Gift to a ‘Lonesome Pilgrim’ to Ganga Talao

SADEK RUHMALY A Journey from the hustle bustle of Cybercity into the Night 
The New Moonlight dimmed onto the Shadows wandering into the Urban Sprawl.. On the...

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