
Do you know why Singapore is a drug-free society while Mauritius is flooded with drugs?

RAJ PANEKEN No! You don’t know! I am going to tell you. Because there in Singapore there is a «Dobermann» named «Death Penalty» for drug-dealers....


PASCAL LAROULETTE Enfant de La Terre Citoyen du Monde Le temps des élections générales approche à grands pas et nombreux seront ceux et celles qui postuleront pour...

Find good books

Reading a lot is not a guarantee of success. In fact, reading the wrong material can actually be a guarantee of massive failure. The...

ROMAN DE JOHN BOYNE : Le garçon en pyjama rayé

NOÉMIE 12 ANS « Le point qui devient une tache, qui devient une forme, qui devient une silhouette, qui devient un garçon » – extrait du roman dramatique...

Appearance And Reality

Some people with budding political ambition and other media stars see and want to see local politics as a duel between two ‘dynasties’, meaning...

Éducation : La logique de la gratuité des études universitaires

Si pour certains l’annonce de la gratuité pour les études universitaires est une mesure électoraliste, par contre pour la majorité des parents dont les...

Rose-Belle : RÉSIDENCE BETHLÉEM a disadvantaged locality

Sookdeo Bissoondoyal State College will eventually become an Academy. Windsor College Girls, established since 1949, is one of the oldest educational institutions in the...

Don’t touch our Reserves!

The provisions of legislation governing the BOM are clear. Under no circumstances should the reserves of BOM be used to finance vote-catching schemes. Unfortunately,...

Kalidasa or the servant of Kali…

« In a gloomy closed room I sit alone And read the Megaduta. My mind leaves the room...” DAVINA ITTOO What great secret lies in the Megaduta that it...

Valorising Students In Mauritian Education System (ctd)

Dr. Anand D. Awootar, PhD, D.Litt,
Chairperson, Education Commission,
Mouvement Patriotique This is in continuation of my previous article in the Forum page of Le Mauricien (Wednesday...

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