
Père Philippe Goupille : une Joie Intérieure, Profonde et Rayonnante

Paula Lew-Fai  « C'est pourquoi voici, je veux l'attirer et la conduire au désert, et je parlerai à son coeur. Là, je lui donnerai ses vignes...

Talitha Koum

Paul Domingue Avec les paroles vives et réconfortantes des enseignements du Seigneur, se révèlent d’innombrables conversions dans la foi et la certitude de la miséricorde...

Rejecting discrimination within the community of people with disabilities

SOOVAN SHARMA DOOKHOO  Following a paper of Sedley Assonne on FB some months ago entitled "Racism in the middle of the disabled", we are bound to agree...

V.S. Naipaul embodied the contradictions of the postcolonial world

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul embodied the contradictions of the postcolonial world. He was a lightning rod for criticism, particularly by those who...


RAMANUJAM SOORIAMOORTHY  Pascal affirmant que « quand on lit trop vite ou trop doucement, on n’entend rien », Valéry (se) rappelant que « nous ne nous...


FILTERED BY DR ZOOM Indian-American entrepreneur Suneel Gupta is seeking to enter U.S. Congress to fight against the special interests of the corporate sector, which...


JEEWAN RAMLUGUN   More is now known than ever with floods of information deluges of data flowing in every direction and evermore impedimenta of the confused welter of ideas, assumptions,...


The Birth of Several Literary Magazines PAHLAD RAMSURRUN The main theme of the Hindi Magazines and periodicals until the 1960’s was socio-religious and politico-cultural, but the...

Reminiscences of the 10th World Hindi Conference

DR SUNYUKTA BHOWON-RAMSARAH, WORLD HINDI SECRETARIAT The 10th World Hindi Conference was held in Bhopal, India, from 10 to 12 September 2015. This year’s International Conference...

Albert Cohen, un voyageur en Humanité 

DAVINA ITTOO « Ils sont venus avec des glissements et des rires. Ils ont dit Otons les vieilles toiles et les poussières. Au matin je me suis...

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