
Rainbow Nation: Myth or Reality?*

When selling the country as a prominent tourist destination, the country’s multiculturalism is often put forward. One of the favourite terms used to describe...

Le Mauricien du 27 février

Unthinking development

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM  Silently accepting toxic behaviour in our society is very similar to accepting products and technologies without even thinking about what we...

Tariq Ramadan : faire la part des choses

Umar Timol Cet article obéit à un vœu, qui est celui du témoignage. Je ne suis pas un partisan, ni un adepte de Tariq Ramadan,...


Dawood Auleear Kishore Deerpalsing, like most politicians, proved to be, in most people’s eyes, a controversial figure. News of his death reminds me of two...

Unexpected death of Sridevi

ROSHNI BANYMANDHUB D, the great leveller, is the only constant in life. Its scythe has not spared Sridevi this time. She died on February 24th...

Blue Economy | We are sitting on a gold mine but we prefer instant gratification

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM “Blue economy entails development of the existing opportunities such as deep sea fishing, aquaculture, sports fishing and artisanal fishing and future...

L’île en tant que sujet d’étude complexe et varié

Contrairement à ce qui se passe lors du tournage d’un film, vous n’avez pas droit à des auditions, en particulier lorsque vous décidez de...

Lapli loraz

— Hello Beti it’s me. Ki nouvelle ? — Ah ! Ou sa Mawsi. Ki manière, ou bien ? — Hey what ‘s happening ? To...

Youngsters in arms

Une Constitution doit-elle être intouchable? Ou doit-elle s’adapter en fonction du temps qui passe et des nouvelles donnes d’un monde sans cesse en mouvement? Question...

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