CHAGOS : Londres rejette l’Advisory Opinion de la CIJ, Port-Louis « deeply disappointed »

Sir Alan Duncan, du Foreign and Commonwealth Office, intervenant, mardi, devant la Chambre des Communes et Lord Ahmad de Wimbledon devant la Chambre des Lords, ont confirmé la décision de Londres de rejeter l’Advisory Opinion quasi unanime de la Cour Internationale de Justice sur les Chagos. Réagissant à cette prise de position, qui était anticipée de la Grande-Bretagne, donc sans surprise, le gouvernement ne cache pas sa « profonde déception » devant la tournure des événements. Ce développement de la part de Londres intervient au moment où Maurice met actuellement la dernière touche à la résolution devant être portée devant l’Assemblée Générale des Nations unies sur l’injonction du 25 février dernier de la Cour Internationale de Justice contre Londres au sujet de la souveraineté et l’occupation illégale de l’archipel des Chagos.

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« The UK Government has considered the content of the Opinion carefully, however we do not share the Court’s approach. As outlined in the previous Written Ministerial Statement, we have no doubt about our sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago, which has been under continuous British sovereignty since 1814. Mauritius has never held sovereignty over the Archipelago and we do not recognise its claim”, ont déclaré simultanément sir Alan Duncan et Lord Ahmad de Winbledon devant ces deux instances.

La Grande-Bretagne a mis en avant la défense des intérêts de l’occident pour justifier l’occupation de cette partie du territoire mauricien et la présence de la base militaire des Américains à Diego-Garcia« The joint United Kingdom – United States defence facility on Diego Garcia helps to keep people in Britain and around the world safe. For nearly 40 years the facility has helped the United Kingdom, United States, other allies and our regional partners, including Mauritius, combat some of the most challenging threats to international peace and security, including those from terrorism, organised crime and piracy. The facility also remains ready for a rapid and impactful response in times of humanitarian crisis in the region. These functions are only possible under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom”, soutiennent-ils.

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Le gouvernement mauricien se dit déçu de cette décision de la Grande-Bretagne« The Government of Mauritius is, however, deeply disappointed at the stand taken by the UK following the Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, despite its professed commitment to respect for the international rule of law, the ICJ, and respect for fundamental human rights. Emanating from the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, the Opinion of the ICJ is an authoritative statement of the law applicable to the conduct of the UK.  It finds that the UK is an unlawful coloniser of the territory of Mauritius, having illegally excised the Chagos Archipelago from the territory of Mauritius prior to its independence », souligne un communiqué officiel de l’hôtel du gouvernement.

En conclusion, le gouvernement réitère le fait que “ it is therefore undeniable that the Republic of Mauritius is the sole State lawfully entitled to exercise sovereignty and sovereign rights in relation to the Chagos Archipelago and its maritime zones. The UK cannot and does not have sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago. It is of the utmost importance for respect of international law and human rights that the findings of the ICJ be promptly implemented by the UK. Disregard for the assertions by the ICJ would be tantamount to a dangerous precedence that can result in the total breakdown of international institutions that stand in support of peace and security in the world.”

Port-Louis ajoute que “the UK’s stand will prevent the resettlement of Mauritians, particularly those of Chagossian origin, in the Chagos Archipelago, thereby perpetuating a historically wrongful act vis-à-vis the forcibly evicted inhabitants of those islands.”

Affaire à suivre…

en continue



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