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Ki arive lerla?


There are people who can be unbelievably rash and shameless in their behaviour.  We hear of people pouring out hot water on their spouses or sexually molesting vulnerable women.  Children are ill-treated and the elderly murdered or left on their own.  A simple argument soon degenerates into a dramatic situation.  For instance, you have a woman being attacked either with a cutter or a revolver.  Blinded by impulse, these people fail to see what they’re doing.

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Yet many a bad situation, including attempt at murder or murder itself, could have been avoided if only the perpetrators had taken the time to ask themselves the fundamental question « ki arive lerla? » as a result of their action.  They’re three simple yet important words that should be governing the actions of every one of us in every field.  “If I do this, what will happen then?” tends to open our eyes and enlightens the mind with wisdom.  They’re words that help us to be more prudent and to foresee consequences.  The words apply to anyone, from drivers, politicians, swindlers, smokers, drug addicts to those taking alcohol or those suffering from their obsessive little habits.

Politicians in the government could very well be asking themselves that if they continue disappointing the public on several significant issues, then what would happen to them someday. The hacker would do well to reflect over what’s awaiting him (or her) before indulging in cybercrime.  Once clearly aware of the real mess he’s making of his own life and of the lives of innocent youngsters, the paedophile might wish to do some self-evaluation, and realise that he needs to stop.

Encouraging women to reveal cases of domestic violence against them is a noteworthy step.  We could add that creating awareness among men about the risks they and their victims run following brutal acts is also vital as a preventive measure.

Thinking over the simplest of words can often change the course of our lives for the better.  

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