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Martine Moutou

There are, as per science, several types/levels of depression. Some people have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders while others are subject to depression resulting from different types of abuse. Others had a taste of or were swamped with feelings of depression due to an emotional burnout either after a sudden emotional trauma or after a series of difficult life circumstances. Some mothers get postpartum depression after childbirth. It is important, for those who think they have one, to seek necessary help to find out where one stands. In any case, it’s part of humanity and needs to be acknowledged as such. Physical cancers are acknowledged, why can’t it be same for “emotional cancers”? Both are about pain and suffering.

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I personally hate the term “Mental Illness” even if I respect this term as being scientific. It might be the case for some but it is used way too easily which renders depression a very touchy subject. Depression, defined by Oxford dictionary says: feelings of severe despondency (sadness, hopelessness) and dejection (discouragement)! I am not a scientist but out of my own experience, I have learnt about thought patterns and the importance of choosing one’s thoughts carefully. Growing up in a negative and fearful environment, for example, would hardwire a mind with a negative and fearful thought pattern, leading to anxiety issues, among others. Any situation/disorder has a root which needs to be identified, recognized, acknowledged and examined, in order to be solved. Facing any truth could be scary and overwhelming, but courageously dealing with it will eventually set one free.

Life circumstances; ranging from job loss, any types of abuse, relationship break ups, pressure of any kind, death of a loved one, among others, can lead to depression if not dealt with properly. Emotional support and patience from surroundings act as precious help. But also, the mind should not be allowed self-defeating thoughts, and needs constant renewal with positive, uplifting and hopeful thoughts. The battle is live on the mind. I have learnt that to think about what I am thinking about is major to identify where my thoughts are leading me to. Either they will lead to a positive outcome or to a negative one. Thoughts are powerful. I admit that my belief in God (not in religion) sweetens any type of battle, because like the word says: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick”, (proverbs 13:12) and “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:5)

Kindly bear in mind that I am just sharing my personal testimony here. I respect people’s beliefs and understand that some people do not believe in God and my purpose is NOT to influence anybody in this respect. To be in a relationship with God is a personal desire which comes from within, thus cannot be forced upon. Well, anyway, God is no magician but a loving and comforting helper plus an emotional healer. I had had to make a firm decision to climb every rock back up with determination and perseverance while the pain was roaring within. We need to partake in our very own recovery. A powerful positive mind starts with a firm decision to NOT let oneself down, and to go through, with necessary help to overcome whatever is pulling one down. Identifying the root of what leads you to depression is the first step. A psychologist, a therapist or counsellor could GUIDE you there. There is no shame in visiting any of the above. Psychology is fundamental to understand your inner mechanism and to help break any chains holding you back from enjoying a healthy mental and emotional life. You are a VALUABLE human being. You can do this! I have overcome victoriously, why can’t you?
I dedicate this song to you: “You’re Gonna Be Ok” (Lyric Video) – Brian & Jenn Johnson
HYPERLINK « https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjF9IqvXDjY » \hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjF9IqvXDjY
NB: Interpretation is a free will.

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