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My Rose Gift to a ‘Lonesome Pilgrim’ to Ganga Talao


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A Journey from the hustle bustle of Cybercity into the Night 
The New Moonlight dimmed onto the Shadows wandering into the Urban Sprawl..

On the opposite side, a grand Artistic and Religious Ornate Chariot wheeled by a few Devotees passed by my car window. 
I slowed down to immerse myself into their fervour and steady pace onto much anticipated Holy Bliss beyond …

Their aura coloured the texture of the social serenity in their midst as if they left a silent trail for others to ponder upon…

One felt a sense of solemn pride that our Island can still anchor its mosaic of spiritual flavours embedded into the devout faith of inherited spirituality…

Further on, the majestic silhouette of the Catholic Church at Sacré Coeur…

A frail but agile Pilgrim stepped into my car light…

A lonesome youth scantily clad in white with a light shoulder bag.
I paused to catch the spring in his step and the paced intent in his spirit.

A silent solo steady allure.

An endeavour to carry the entire challenge within his inner spirit…

No glamour and no support …

The lonesome Pilgrim as a transparent mystic amidst the mystery of night.
A lonesome Pilgrim with no name…

Yet, He has left an indelible print on my spirit…

A lonesome Pilgrim with no label or banner…

Yet He has branded my Soul with Intense Spiritual Renewal…

A lonesome Pilgrim with no shackles…

Yet He has gripped my Heart with the Chain of Salvation into the Universal Bond.

As I ponder into the night in the comfort of my Library,
I reach for my Vintage Bagavad Gita as I wonder about the Lonesome Pilgrim…

I subconsciously attempt to explore the Verses of the Gita,
A silent effort to blend with the Lonesome Pilgrim heartbeat, alone into the Dark Hours stepping towards Dawn…

The Lonesome Pilgrim has sparked a renewed Yearning into the Illumination of the Sacred Gita..
The Lonesome Pilgrim had pegged his anticipated bliss of his bond with his Lord Shiva…

He stepped past the Holy Cross of the ‘Sacré Coeur’ with Jesus gazing down upon his frail body infused with Spiritual energy…

The Lonesome Pilgrim has merged a Trilogy of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam with his Silent Aura…

As his physical body fades out of sight, his Soul has left a trail of Holy Energy to feed the Hungry Spirits among us…

To you, O Lonesome Pilgrim, I may only offer the Fragrance of my Roses…

It symbolises the perfumed atmosphere of your Spiritual Petals whilst marching upon the Thorns of your defiance of Worldly Charms.

I shall worry with each step you take…

Yet I shall share your Solace as you reach the bliss of the Mystical Destination into the Sunrise.

I shall ponder on your Journey from the Unknown into the Known…

I shall borrow from your Steady perseverance to fulfill the Illumination of your Spiritual Candour .

I shall count my Blessings that you have stepped into my car lights…

As a mysterious invitation to embark onto a personal pilgrimage deep within my Inner Spirit.

I shall be a different person at Dawn.
For that privilege, I shall be grateful and share my Prayers with you…

Such is the Mystical Beauty of our Island, 
Amidst the Chaos of it All, 
Spiritual Beauty reveals itself in the depth of Night onto the selected Few among Mere Mortals.

May your Endeavour be crowned with Spiritual Enlightenment.

Our Country shall be all the better with such a Sparkle of Elevated Fervour.
You shall no longer be lonesome in your Journey…

You are Guided,,,
Farewell , O Pilgrim among Pilgrims…

Be gently wrapped in the Fragrance of the Trinity of Roses..
My Silent Anonymous Gift to You, Lonesome Pilgrim.

28th February 2019

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