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Whispers from our Motherland


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Open your eyes,

Whispered the island,

As she unveiled herself

Giving us all, for the first time ever,

A show of her splendid beauty!

Open your eyes,

And see me

See the bold eagle that I am

While being, at the same time,

The shivering dove!

See the builder that I am

See how I have shaped you

See how I have helped you

In helping me

Be what I am today!

See the rolling waves that make me

See how I allow you, time and again

To try to conquer me

As if,

You were one of the world’s best surfers!

See the music and the notes that make me

See how melodious I am

See how you melt easily in these

See how your heart plummets while listening to these

As they bid to write poems and odes

As you act out scenarios on love and its being!

See the progress that I have achieved

See how connected you are to the rest of the world

How free you do feel,


As a drunken maiden, lost in love,

In between the fumes of your beloved’s gaze!

Why, do open your eyes, please do,

Open them and allow yourself

To be that which you deem me to be

I am, after all, your motherland

And the connection between us

Is as strong as that which lies between

A mother and her child!

So, do open your eyes

And relish of that which makes me

What I am!

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