Kaysee Teeroovengadum est rentré à Maurice cet après-midi


Kaysee Teerovengadum ayant finalement pu rattraper le vol du jour, est arrivé à Maurice ce samedi 7 avril à 17h24, à bord du vol d’Emirates EK703 en provenance de Dubaï. L’atterrissage de cet avion qui était initialement prévu à Maurice pour 16h40, a finalement touché le tarmac Mauricien à 17h24 avec 44 minutes de retard.

Pour rappel, Kaysee Teeroovengadum, l’ex chef de mission du Club Maurice aux Jeux du Commonwealth, accusé d’avoir agressé sexuellement un athlète, a été démis de ses fonctions avec effet immédiat selon un communiqué émis par la Mauritius Commonwealth Games Association aujourd’hui.

Selon ce même communiqué, malgré le fait que Kaysee Teeroovengadum soit attendu en cour en Australie à Gold Coast le 17 avril prochain, la Mauritian Commonwealth Games Association and National Olympic Committee (“MNOC”) lui a proposé de rentrer à Maurice à cause de son état de santé. Le communiqué ne fait cependant pas mention de son état de santé susmentionné.



Communiqué de la Mauritius Commonwealth Games Association :

Press Release

Mauritius Commonwealth Games Association

8 April 2018

Concerning the recent allegation of one count of misconduct against a team official of the Mauritius Commonwealth Games team at the 2018 Gold Coast Games, the Executive Board of the Mauritian Commonwealth Games Association and National Olympic Committee (“MNOC”) note that as the matter is currently being dealt with under the laws of Queensland, the Committee is not in a position to comment on the merits or otherwise of the allegation.

An internal MNOC investigation has revealed that the official in question was the person who reported the allegation to both the Queensland Police and the Commonwealth Games Federation as soon as he became aware of it, has at all times strenuously denied the allegation, and has stated that he will vigorously defend any legal proceedings that may ensue.

MNOC does not and will not condone or tolerate any inappropriate behaviour by any individual, and will always act in the best interest of the welfare of each and every one of its athletes and officials, whilst ensuring that all parties’ legal rights, and the fundamental presumption of innocence, are fairly accorded justly and equitably.

The Executive Board of the Mauritian Commonwealth Games Association and National Olympic Committee (“MNOC”) has resolved to step down the Secretary General from his present position with immediate effect.  Due to the state of health cause de son état de santé of the official in question, MNOC has advised him to proceed back to Mauritius to which he agreed and compel to appear before the South Port Court of Australia on the 17th of April 2018 at 8.30 a.m sharp.

The MNOC shall not provide any further comment on this matter until the conclusion of the current legal process in Queensland.

The MNOC would like to inform the public that on the Easter day, the MNOC has offered an Easter token (US $100) to each athlete and coach as gift.

Hao Thyn Voon HA SHUN

The President